Sunday, February 1, 2009

Giant Pandamonium

I always wanted to learn calligraphy so I bought a calligraphy set years ago and It has been sitting in my room ever since. I must have used it once but I don’t remember what I used it for. Last week, I was contemplating on painting a Giant Panda; so, I did. I wanted to try a different medium then I remember my calligraphy set.

I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I would use it like I would use a watercolor. Then I decided to add some colors to make it more interesting and ended up using acrylic on her dress. This painting took a little bit longer than usual because of my indecisiveness but I thought it turned out fine.

Panda Facts:
Large Bear-Cats aka Giant Pandas
(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

Contrary to their size, giant pandas are about the size of a stick of butter when they are born and don’t develop their unique coloring until later. Pandas are born blind and cannot crawl until three months of age. Although technically carnivores, they adapted to live mostly on bamboo which is 99% of their diet and occasionally feast on small rodents or musk deer fawns. Pandas consume about 28 pounds of bamboo and spend up to 16 hours eating. There are only 1000 pandas in the wild and just over 100 in captivity. For more information about Giant Pandas visit National Geographic.

1 comment:

Mike Reckmeyer said...

this is a great picture... it reminded me of a site a found recently... I think it's new but it's a tight site... really cool picture though... I like