Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Quest

I had to create a poster for an upcoming Kids Night event in May and looking for an inspiration was tough. I had a few ideas but nothing concrete. I wanted to do something easy and fast. So, I browsed the internet looking for some answers and decided to visit my blog, thinking I might find something I could use for the poster and there it was – I found the answer!

Tadaa! Here is the poster for the May event.

Remember this?

And here’s the wallpaper I created if anyone is interested feel free to download it.

This is how it looks like on the desktop:

I hope you guys enjoy it. I certainly had fun creating it.


Mike said...

(\__/) Bun-Bun Rulez!!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Very cute, and sooo you! Hope the event turns out as successful and your poster!

John Stephens said...

If you made it at work Whole Company owns the copyright as a "work for hire."


Anonymous said...

Actually while the text of copyright law might mean there could be a problem, the spirit of the laws aren't meant to cause a concerns for a graphic artist working for a project like this....

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hi! Whatcha been up to? I have an award waiting for you on my Mewsings blog cuz you always leave such nice comments when you visit mine and your blog always make me smile and feel child-like again.

Metropolitan Mum said...

Gorgeous! Makes me want to pop round to that event. The weather has been so lovely over here - hope you have as much sunshine as we have. Would love to see your garden blossom :-)

Cat said...

Thank you all for your comments. I'm sorry I've been away for a while. I am going to try to blog often. My garden is almost in completion. I am going to take some photos when the sun comes up again.

Miss you all!